Thursday, July 2, 2009

The Critical Knowledge Collective is going to the Allied Media Conference!


The Allied Media Conference is a gathering of people to expand and promote open thought and dialogue. This conference brings individuals and organizations together on equal level to share creative ways to propagate ideas, values and messages into the world.

Running on its 11th year, the Allied Media Conference will be held July 16th through July 19th on the Wayne State University campus in Detroit, Michigan.

The conference consists of several workshops and activities that teach various subjects on building media, from giving insight, to lessons in policy, to topics in popular education. The methods make a collective all-encompassing learning experience that covers all mediums of information delivery.

The goal and purpose of the Allied Media Conference is to build savvy persons that have the tools and abilities to create powerful media. This gathering not only paves the way to create media, but to endow a sense of meaning and inspiration in people.

We (the Critical Knowledge Collective) are aiming to gain skills in building uncensored and provoking news that is free from corporate control.

We will learn, in a vast array of ways, methods for creating critical media.

Unlike mainstream media, we are not bound by the guidelines of popular culture and rather than mould the masses, we aim to exploit reality and demonstrate it to the world.

To get involved, learn more or just browse, go to

or contact us at